TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE Facebook site, was born to share “likes”, and encourage all its members to participate on it. Also to encourage them to give their opinion, and to share photos, videos, sensations and experiences. For this reason, it is essential to establish basic rules of conduct. This rules are based on respect for others.

The access and use of the Followers Page of TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE is free, although it is required to be a member of our Facebook site. In addition, is necessary to access to the Followers Page, the acceptance, in any case, of the General Rules of mandatory compliance. These rules are the ones that make reference at those of TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE Wall.

These rules also will be required for the members that participate in the special promotions or contests. This means that the acceptance of the respective Particular Conditions or Promotional Bases of the contest in question will be also required.

TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE is not responsible for the opinions, contents or materials sent by the members of the AAFIC Community. It is neither responsible for the veracity of the same, which at any time can be interpreted or assimilated as those of the company itself. And of course can not be assimilated as those of its employees.



1.1: Access to the TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE channel is not allowed to minors under 14 years of age. TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE does not assume responsibility for users who do not make public, or distort the information in their profile. We refer especially to that information regarding age.

1.2: The maximum that is neccessary to take in every moment of the conversation within the TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE channel is respect and education. Being strictly forbidden content that incites violence, racism, sexism. Also those related to political and / or religious issues. As well is forbidden to deal any other subject capable of create controversy or discomfort in the community.

1.2.a) The followers of the TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE channel must maintain appropriate rules of conduct with the rest of the followers. As well they should mantain appropiate conduct with the individuals, entities and / or companies. No insult or disrespect will be tolerated.

1.2.b) Respect and education will be also applied to all content, being considered as such the names of users and profile photos.

1.3: No content related to non-legal or criminal issues or acts will be allowed within the channel.

1.4: It is forbidden to post any advertising content / links other than the TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE within the channel.

1.5: SPAM is prohibited in any of its forms within the channel.

1.6: Purchases (including the organization of joint orders), sales and/or appraisals are not allowed in any of the sections of the channel. Only on the Webs and their online stores.

1.7: All these rules affect individual users but also to collectives and collaborators.

1.8: The use of two or more Facebook IDs by the same person may result in expulsion from the TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE channel. For this reason it is understandable that the use of false profiles, alien to the own profile, is not allowed.

1.9. The user of the TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE channel can not:

  1. a) Disseminate racist, xenophobic, pornographic, obscene, or degrading content or propaganda, or that incites or promotes the performance of criminal acts. As well as promote violent, defamatory or degrading acts, because of age, sex, religion or belief. Neither acts that promote or incite, directly or indirectly, the apology of terrorism or that is contrary to human rights and the fundamental rights and freedoms of third parties. Nor they are contrary to current legislation, morality, good customs and public order, or with harmful purposes that may harm, damage or prevent in any way, access to them. In this way it would act in detriment of AAFIC or of third parties.
  2. b) Perform acts contrary to the Intellectual and / or Industrial property rights of their legitimate owners. Or send content (videos, photos, audio, etc.) subject to third-party rights over, which authorization is not available.
  3. c) Cause damage to the computer systems of TOTE ART * MADE&COMMERCE, its suppliers or third parties. And introduce or spread computer viruses, harmful code or software. Or other systems that may cause damage or alterations in computer systems. Neither do what may cause unauthorized alterations of contents, accessible programs or systems. Being these programs or systems accesible through the services and contents housed in this channel. Contents also housed  in the information systems, files and computer equipment of the users thereof. Or do what may cause unauthorized access to any content and / or services of this channel.
  4. d) Transmit advertising or sending unsolicited or unauthorized electronic messages.
  5. e) Use the services, in whole or in part, to promote, sell, contract, disclose advertising. Neither disseminate own information or of third parties, without prior written authorization from TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE.
  6. f) Use the services and content offered through this channel. Being this use in a contrary manner to these rules or to the particular conditions that regulate the use of a certain service and / or content. As all this use result in detriment or impairment of the rights of other users.
  7. g) Delete or modify in any way the protection or identification devices of TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE or their legitimate owners that may contain the contents hosted in this channel. Or that may contain the symbols, logos or trademarks that AAFIC, or the legitimate third-party owners of the rights incorporate to their creations. As these symbols may be subject to intellectual or industrial property.
  8. h) Include, without prior written authorization of TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE logos. Or trade names or distinctive signs owned by TOTE ART*MADE&COMMERCE. Or that this logos are modified, in websites of responsibility or property of the user or third parties, that has not been not authorized. Or use trademarks, logos, trade names, or any other identifying sign that is subject to intellectual or industrial property rights. Any of this will be carry out without the prior express written authorization of its legitimate owner.
  9. i) Reproducing, totally or partially, copying, distributing, renting, transforming or allowing, public access. Access that may be made through any form of public communication. Or  transforming or modifying contents of this channel. or including them in another different website without prior written authorization of TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE.



2.1: In case an user or member of the TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE channel does not comply with any of these rules, AAFIC may proceed to the elimination without prior notice of the corresponding comments and even to the expulsion of the user of the channel.

2.2: The application of these rules of conduct in the channel of TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE falls on the criteria of TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE. Also on the criteria of the Community Manager of the channel. Any content deemed inappropriate for the channel may be removed without prior notice.



3.1: Response to moderation

If any comment or image of a user is closed or deleted, you are advised not to repeat the action or demand explanations.  This also is applicable to the expulsion of a member. Moderation is always reasoned and the explanation of moderation is at the bases of the rules.

If even after reviewing them, the user demands an explanation, please go to Here, your request will be answered kindly and in the shortest possible time.


3.2: Optimal behavior in incidents:

Members of the TOTE ART * MADE & COMMERCE channel are invited to collaborate to maintain the order and clarity of the channel. In case of incidents, it’s recommended:

– In case of incident, describe it in detail.

– Avoid creating duplicate comments for the same issue.

– Try to make your written expression clear; writing in an organized, meaningful manner, and easy to read for other users.