Comprehensive Accessibility Plan of Gijón

You will find all the information on the website of the City of Gijón

According to the Royal Decree 1/2013 approving The Consolidated Text of the General Law on rights of persons with disabilities and their social inclusion, universal access is the condition to be accomplished by environments, processes, goods, products and services, as well as objects, instruments, tools and devices, to be understandable, usable and practicable by all people in conditions of safety and comfort and in the most autonomous and natural way possible.

Accessibility is a basic feature of the environment. For many people, the environment around them is accessible: they use it in an independent and natural way. So natural, in fact, that they are not even aware of accessibility as something essential. However, the same is not true for all people. That is, it is frequent that those who have limited abilities, only get access with difficulty or with the help of other people.



In 2013, the Municipal Social Services Foundation of the City of Gijón, in collaboration with the ONCE Foundation and COCEMFE Asturias, developed an Integral Accessibility Plan for the Central Zone of Gijón. This plan included a study on the accessibility of public and private buildings with the final aim of adopting measures that permanently promote access to environments under equal conditions. The plan pursuaded to achieve the full integration of all people, even if they have some kind of disability, making these improvements extensive and perceptible to the rest of users in general.

Access to complete information on the Comprehensive Accessibility Plan for the Central Area.


In 2015, the Municipal Social Services Foundation of the City of Gijón promoted the realization of an Integral Accessibility and Non-Discrimination Plan for the Municipality of Gijón. Also promoted an Study of Accessibility of Public Buildings and Roads of the South, East, and El Llano Districts and West. This Plan has been made by Ilunión Tecnología y Accesibilidad with the collaboration of COCEMFE Asturias.

The objectives of this Plan are mainly two: to solve the accessibility problems existing in the urban and built environment, in transport and communication, in the municipality of Gijón. And also, serve as a working tool for municipal technicians.

Access to the complete information of the Integral and Non-Discrimination Accessibility Plan for the Municipality of Gijón and Accessibility Study of Public Buildings and Roads of the Southern, Eastern, Eastern and Western Districts:

APP de Información de Accesibilidad
(Pinche en la imagen para acceder)

APP de Información de Accesibilidad
(Pinche en la imagen para acceder)